Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Like a stopped watch, Steny Hoyer is sometimes right:

House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer is warning that some of his Democratic colleagues are being threatened with violence when they go back to their districts — and he wants Republicans to stand up and condemn the threats.

I'm not sure he's right about them receiving threats. (though I wouldn't be surprised that politicians on both sides of the aisle receive them in the best of times) Maybe they do feel threatened; or maybe this is just a ploy, like the n-word nobody said. Regardless, I don't mind condemning threats. They shouldn't be part of the debate.

Ann Coulter shouldn't be threatened by vegans with torches and sticks either. I'm sure Steny mentioned that, right? And I don't have time to research it but he must be on record condemning all the death threats against President Bush as well.

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