Sunday, November 05, 2006

Man Am I Getting Phone Calls

Anyone else getting way more calls this election year than they ever have in the past? Most of them have been recordings from the candidates, several were from actual campaign workers, and a few have been from disguised campaign workers. "We just were wondering how you were going to vote..." Sure you were lady. So I say I'm voting R and you kill my dog. No thanks, I've had it with you nonviolent types.

Anyway, this last one was Argumentative-Linda from Call For Change. I got an immediate protect-your-genitals vibe from the way she was asking questions so I claimed to be voting solely on the candidates' astrological signs.

Well, would I be voting for Cardin?

Linda, are you aware of that man's sign?

No she says.

So I tell her that I can't discuss politics with anyone so ignorant of the important factors in this election. She hung up.

Turns out Call For Change is a effort. There's a surprise. I'll be voting for the man who's showing up in Linda's nightmares. And the Zodiac has nothing to do with it.

