Tuesday, October 09, 2007


Hillary dropped the $5000 baby bonus and is now offering 401K's for everybody! Hot Air has got the story. She'll pay for it by transferring money from people who have too much anyway. So why would I be against this? Because history says I'll be paying for it. Doesn't matter how little she says it will cost, doesn't matter who she says will pay for it; if a Clinton wants to give you something, it's best to have orifice protectors handy.

It's the same thing with Government Health Care. We'll pay more and get less if the government runs the show.

BTW, anyone remember that Bill Clinton first ran on a platform of cutting taxes on the middle class? Then, remember him speaking from the oval office, shaking his head and sadly telling us, "I'm sorry, I've worked as hard as I could, so hard, so hard, but I just can't make the numbers fit" (or words to that effect) Then he raised taxes on social security recipients. Yeah, well I wasn't surprised. Just remember, fool me once: shame on you, fool me twice: shame on you, you stinkin democrat.

