Friday, November 21, 2008

And Then Things Started Going Wrong

About the only thing missing from this story is a three-legged dog, and it could be that there was one, only it was left out of the account so as to not add needless complication. You really need to read the whole thing, if only to learn the campaign slogan of the sheriff involved:

CARLISLE — There's little undisputed in this story, the tale of the tipped trailer.

Frances Barton's single-wide, the one she had fully paid $5,000 for and was hoping to move to a little piece of land she was buying on a $250-a-month land contract, is now literally in pieces on Jim Gaunce's front lawn.

Frances Barton cried Tuesday as she watched cleanup on what's left of her single-wide mobile home four days after it was overturned while it was being moved along U.S. 68 in Nicholas County near Carlisle.

And, everyone agrees, that leaves some 12 people — four adults and eight children ranging from 3 months to 12 years — facing Thanksgiving with no place to live.

How, exactly, the mobile home came to this odd resting place is where the story gets complicated. On Friday, Barton hired a guy to put her house on a trailer and move it up U.S. 68 in Nicholas County. When the trailer broke down and the house blocked the highway for hours on end, the sheriff got involved....

It's really a sad story, but I suspect this 35 year-old grandma, and her "mishmash of real kin and unofficially adopted kids, teens and young adults" will be ok. If only because this story has been so widely circulated. And people are generous, especially those of us who laughed inappropriately while reading of her woes.

