Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Two Pictures

I saw these two pictures near each other on the Yahoo most popular page. Struck me as odd: The King Picks a Hound for Obamalot:

His subjects make spears against the threat of anti-spear laws:

"This'll keep those kids off my lawn."

Two things struck me. One, we're not in too bad of a recession when people are buying thousand dollar guns. Two, the dog picture humanizes Obama. If there's anything dangerous here, it's not the guy gun shopping; it's the threat of a large portion of the population holding on to the Obama-as-Messiah foolishness. The dog picture seems to be a step in the right direction. I think the black-helicopter-Republicans aren't nearly the threat that the Kristallnacht-Democrats are.

One, too real, threat was voiced by Farrakhan yesterday. I don't find the audio anywhere but he promised that the country would face retribution on a biblical scale, should anyone harm this child of light. That is a definite possibility; one that every president faces. It only takes one psycho idiot, and out of a population of 300 million, we always have a few of those on hand. As for a Muslim threatening to make the innocent pay for sins they did not commit, well, I guess that's not news.

