Newsbusters has a video clip of it: Katie Couric asks Sarah Pailin about a possible "Great Depression," then, the same day, asked John McCain if Pailin should be using scare terms like "Great Depression."
Interviewing John McCain on Wednesday's CBS Evening News, Katie Couric informed him and viewers that, during an interview of Sarah Palin she conducted earlier in the day, Palin warned of a “Great Depression” if the bail out is not passed, leading Couric to scold Palin to McCain: “But isn't so much of this, Senator McCain, about consumer confidence and using rhetoric like the 'Great Depression,' is that the kind of language Americans need to hear right now?” Quite a bit of chutzpah for Couric, chutzpah CBS didn't even hide from viewers since in the subsequent excerpts from the Palin interview which viewers saw it was Couric herself who raised the ominous phrase.
Palin had not used the term when Couric asked Palin: “If this doesn't pass, do you think there's a risk of another Great Depression?”

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