Friday, October 13, 2006

New DOI Seal

In case you haven't been following it, it seems that the Department of Interior (source for all your buffalo needs) has been filtering conservative websites. Baron Bodissey has the info over at Gates of Vienna. The filtered-out sites include this one, but not because the government considers AWL a danger; no, just because it's a site. Sure, one day I might blow the lid off the Great Buffalo Conspiracy, but for now they're safe.

Also, Sean Gleason has a dandy logo to put on your sidebar, should your site be one of the few, the proud, the banned. It will be interesting to see what happens with this. In the meantime I'll toil in the dark. And if there's a dark (how can there not be?) underbelly to the Department of the Interior, you can rest assured I'll find it.

***Update:Stop writing, I was kidding with that "dark underbelly" thing. Gates of Vienna has a new post on how this has been picked up by the Federal Times. And I think when we dig to the bottom of the buffalo flops, we'll find that any bias in the DOI filters originated with a nerd in the basement of the science building. Just a guess, but my guesses are more accurate than Al Gore's facts, so there you are.

Q: What did the mother buffalo say to her son on his way to school?

A: Bi-son!

