Wednesday, March 19, 2008

The Audacity of Grandma Speech

I've been reading what others have been saying about The Audacity of Grandma Speech all morning. Almost best is the reaction of those who bought it hook, line, and grandma.

The Hillary campaign must be scrambling now, trying to find an old Rodham homophobe relative for the candidate to gently condemn with nuance and Christian disappointment.

And what a load of nuance it is. "I'm too much of a Christian to separate myself from this old racist SOB. And anyway, don't we all love a racist kook, somewhere?"

It will be interesting to see what happens at Obama's church now. What will happen when the congregation is denied access to its weekly White Man is the Root of All Evil diatribes? Will it have to become a real Christian Church? I suspect it will, at least until after the election.

