Today, Robert Gibbs lamented some of the offensive signs at Bachmann's anti-health bill rally (of which there were some, but not enough to even fill out HuffPo's 12 Most Offensive slideshow):
"I will continue to say what I've said before. You hear in this debate, you hear analogies, you hear references to, you see pictures about and depictions of individuals that are truly stunning, and you hear it all the time. People -- imagine five years ago somebody comparing health care reform to 9/11. Imagine just a few years ago had somebody walked around with images of Hitler.
Hopefully we can get back to a discussion about the issues that are important in this country that we can do so without being personally disagreeable and set up comparisons to things that were so insidious in our history that anybody in any profession or walk of life would be well advised to compare nothing to those atrocities."
Let's help Gibbs out with this in particular:
Imagine just a few years ago had somebody walked around with images of Hitler.
Let's see if we can imagine that, Bob. Click here, and just keep scrolling.
Or, here. You will be scrolling for a solid five minutes to exhaust the Hitler images employed by the left for eight solid years against Bush, and that's in just two blog posts. They were ubiquitous; far more prevalent that Nazi imagery in the Tea Party movement. Saying what Gibbs said, or repeating it credulously, requires an incredible amount of dishonesty.
Hmm, let's try a search on Flickr, just so we're sure I'm not cherry-picking.
When are they going to admit that the Hitler images are all either LaRoucheies or Democrat he-hit-me-mommy plants?
I can tell you this, there aren't that many disrespectful Obama images out there. I know this because I've made a good many of them.
ie- the bloom is off the rose:

But Hitler? Puhleeese, conservatives have much better imaginations than that. Hitler=Bad=Bush, that's Democrat thinking.
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