at the Climate Rally on the National Mall on April 25, 2010 in Washington, DC.
The free concert and rally was organized by the Earth Day Network to encourage
Congress to enact strong comprehensive climate legislation.
Um, yeah, but:
[She and husband, Sting] maintain no fewer than four properties in the UK with [their] 'core' home the 800-acre Lake House estate in Wiltshire, which boasts 14 bedrooms and eight baths.
This same paragon of self-denying minimalism who reminds us all not to squander our resources also owns a three-story mansion in Highgate, North London, a townhouse in Westminster and what's described as a workman's cottage in the Lake District.
He also maintains a beach house in Malibu, California, and a 600-acre estate in Tuscany.
And when Sting performs in New York he goes home at night to a £1 million duplex on Manhattan's exclusive Upper East Side.
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