Saturday, September 27, 2014

Amazon Review



I like the columnists at National Review Online but they don't make it easy. Look at the numbers - slower than 88% of tested websites. Add to that the pop-ups, pop-unders, slide-arounds, and occasional autoplay ads and it quickly becomes more work than it's worth. I often make it my last stop because if anything is going to crash my browser, it will be NRO's Corner.

The Blink tag is the only thing that could make it more irritating.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

You Poked My Heart

It's all fun and games until someone gets their heart poked.

(also- it was clearly pwinkaling)

h/t: lumberbrudi

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Executive Action

Somebody at Drudge has a great sense of humor, putting this painting above "Obama to announce executive action on climate."

Monday, September 22, 2014

People Playing With Statues

From: 34 people who saw a statue and knew what they had to do next

I Ended It, I Did, But It Wasn't Me, I Didn't End It

The status of forces talks supposedly broke down because Iraq wouldn't agree to protecting U.S. troops from local prosecution. But later reports seemed to indicate that the point was negotiable. We just had a president who was eager to spike the ball and wasn't quite as keen on negotiating.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

But I Like Sticky Notes

I've been using my dog's name for years. I know, stupid. But the genius was in naming my dog 4DiBzzOk31!F28boy.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

News of the Weird

In August, a criminology professor at Rome's La Sapienza University arranged a two-hour guest lecture on "emergency practices" by an "experienced" hand -- Francesco Schettino, the captain currently on trial in Italy for his role in the sinking of the cruise ship Costa Concordia in 2012, when 32 people died. Said the captain: "I was called to speak because I am an expert. ... I know what to do in these sorts of situations." (Schettino will have to refute alleged evidence that "what to do" included running straight for the nearest lifeboat.) [Associated Press via (Sydney), 8-7-2014] 


Saturday, September 13, 2014

Cat Fights Lemon Like Obama Fights ISIS

Except, despite the rumors, Obama doesn't have paws, and the lemon isn't beheading non-Muslims.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

About That Speech

So now it looks like, after ignoring them as they built up strength, we're now going to destroy ISIS down to manageable levels.

I suspect American sentiment forced the president into action. Now we have to hope he follows through and doesn't get distracted by a golf ball.


Tuesday, September 09, 2014

Video Cutes

I've only ever had one dog who was smart enough to realize on his own that the game of fetch ends if he doesn't bring back the ball. Louie the dog brought back the ball the first time, and every time since.

At first I marveled at my luck, but it turns out that fetch can last for an hour or more if the dog is in charge of when you stop. The only way to end the game now is to throw the ball into some unaccessible area.

Sunday, September 07, 2014

Is Your Blue The Same as My Blue?

The biscuit crux is in the first two minutes of the video. If my red looked green to you, we would both still call it "red" because when we learned our colors, that's what we were told was red.

This is something that's bugged me since I was a kid. I tried once or twice to explain my question to various teachers but was never able to express myself clearly enough to escape punishment.

Friday, September 05, 2014

Russian Aggression

Worst part: telling your wife that your new shirt was ripped by SpongeBob Squarepants.

