Thursday, June 04, 2020


Just a question: Who are the protests aimed at?

As far as I can tell, everyone in the country is sickened by George Floyd's death. Nobody is defending the cop. I mean nobody, I haven't heard a single defense of his actions. We are all sickened by what he did.

I can see memorial services and gatherings. They are needed, but anger at all cops is misplaced. Anger at that particular police department may be warranted but it should be used to demand change to procedures and accountability within that department.


Citizenlurker said...

Good to see you again. Hope all is well and remains so...

CrankyBeach said...

Just now noticed your newer posts. Welcome back. :)

talnik said...

Third photo down

kc said...

Hey. I came back, where are you now???

lumberjack said...

Yeah talnik that photoshop still gets around. Gives me reason to believe in immortality. I'm flattered I guess. Hope you're doing well.

Good to see you kc. That strawberry banana bread looks intriguing . I recently went on a quest to find the very best banana bread recipe and came to the conclusion that they're all good. You could put rocks in there and it'd still be good.
