Sunday, May 30, 2010
Friday, May 28, 2010
Seahorse Unicorn Rest in Peace

seahorse unicorn in the Gulf of Mexico." He explained the
life cycle of the creature and lamented the fact that the previous
administration ignored threats to their Gulf breeding grounds.
When I was a kid I heard stories about how the seahorse unicorn would try to help drowning sailors. Like the porpoise off Padre Island, the seahorse unicorns would "nose" the victims up onto the beach. Unlike the porpoise though, the seahorse unicorns have horns, and the rescues would often end badly.

Hope Your Fires Go Better
If you pay attention to the background you can hear:
1) One idiot chanting "more gas, more gas, more gas..."
2) One sober non-idiot citizen warning, "Jay-zuz Scotty!" before the ignition, and, "whoa, whoa, whoa..."
3) Everyone amazed that Scotty doesn't distance himself from the flaming container. "throwit, throwit, throwit..."
4) Several kids delighted that uncle Scotty came up with such a cool trick.
5) Many formerly agnostic participants calling out to their Savior.
Looking for Traction
Mark Finkelstein at Newsbusters:
Just how desperately does the MSM want to bury the Sestak job-bribe story? Yesterday we reported Time editor Rick Stengel's risibly feigned ignorance of the matter.
On Morning Joe today, Joe Scarborough broke off a colorful metaphor to describe the liberal media's see-no-evil approach to the subject, saying the MSM wouldn't cover the story "if Rahm Emanuel announced it in the middle of Pennsylvania Avenue wearing nothing but a Speedo."
Many things have to go right for this to become a scandal: Sestak has to resist pressure to lie about what was offered. The press has to cover the story. And the public has to care that it's a crime.
Lumberpinion is that the scandal will never touch Obama anyway. But I would be happy with Rahm being thrown under the bus. Emanuel and Geithner are half of what's wrong with three-quarters of this administration.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Iron Man Baby? Man Iron Baby? Baby Iron Man?
You really need to watch this one on YouTube. This blog template cuts off wide screen videos.
"The job has been proceeding according to plan"
I don't see how anyone can be worried about the Gulf oil spill. We've got a Nobel laureate on the case. Mother Nature: brace for getting tamed.

diversion valve.... yes, I think this just might work."
Obama no longer takes credit. "I was against it from the beginning."
Art Linkletter RIP
First Martin Gardner, now Art Linkletter has passed away. Hope these things don't always come in threes. Still, it's good that they lived such full lives.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
One Solution
Daniel Foster in NRO:
There has always been a certain creepiness associated with the left's coverage of Sarah Palin. If it didn't reach its nadir with Andrew Sullivan's obstetrical obsession, it has surely — one hopes — reached it now, with the news that pulp journalist Joe McGinniss, who is working on a critical book about Palin, has moved into the house next door to the family's Alaska home.
Palin announced on her facebook page that McGinniss's new digs overlook daughter Piper's bedroom and the family swimming pool. Great.
Creepy, yes. My solution would be to train web cams in his direction. Then post images of any stalking behavior in Al Gore's internet. (and in case I haven't said it enough: thank you Al, thank you, thank you)

Har Poster
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Well Darn
Martin Gardner, who teased brains with math puzzles in Scientific American for a quarter-century and who indulged his own restless curiosity by writing more than 70 books on topics as diverse as magic, philosophy and the nuances of Alice in Wonderland, died Saturday in Norman, Okla. He was 95.
3. Out with the OnionArrange four paper matches on a table as shown at right. They represent a martini glass. A match head goes inside to indicate the onion of a Gibson cocktail. The puzzle is to move just two matches so that the glass is re-formed, but the onion—which must stay where it is—winds up outside the glass. At the finish, the glass may be turned to the left or the right, or even be upside down, but it must be exactly the same shape as before.
In my youth I used to check the magazine rack faithfully for the next issue of Scientific American, and the first thing I turned to was the puzzles.
Here's another one:
Two missiles speed directly toward each other, one at 9,000 miles per hour and the other at 21,000 miles per hour. They start 1,317 miles apart. Without using pencil and paper, calculate how far apart they are one minute before they collide.
So long Martin. Puzzle in heaven.
(answer to matches, and a few more puzzles)
Quackmander in Chief
Spacetime Curvature
Obama's Approval Dips
Daniel Foster at NRO:
Rasmussen has Obama's approval index — strong disapproval subtracted from strong approval — at -20, its lowest point to date. Obama's overall approval/disapproval split stands 42/56, dragged down by poor grades on the economy and the handling of the BP oil spill. The president's national security favorables remain relatively higher at 44 percent.
As Kyle's mom would say"Whatwhatwhatwhatwhatwhat?" National security is his best suit? The Norks don't seem to be shaking in their boots. Iran is as defiant as ever. And still Obama thinks that distancing himself from Israel will lead to a safer middle east.
Where are the benefits from all these offered olive branches and American apologies? When will strength through inoffensiveness start showing dividends?
Monday, May 24, 2010
Good Doggies
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Nina Totenberg and Mark Shields Mock Republican
Tim Graham via Newsbusters:
They say people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. But that saying didn't stop NPR's Nina Totenberg and PBS pundit Mark Shields from making fun of the sex appeal of conservative Rep. Mark Souder of Indiana, who resigned this week after admitting an affair with a female staffer.
On the local PBS talk show Inside Washington, Totenberg mentioned the abstinence video Souder made with his lover, and added "I don't know why anybody would want to not abstain with him."
Shields joined in: "Who was it? Henry Kissinger, who said 'power is the ultimate aphrodisiac.' Mark Souder is the real test of that, because a George Clooney look-alike he is not." As if Mark Shields could compare.
Friday, May 21, 2010
Change Nazi
I should really only take half credit for this one; somebody else did the pink uniform. I only inserted the Prez, touched up his make-up, and changed a few things. The pink Nazi is a great concept though. Makes you wonder: would it have ended differently if the Nazi's brought in an image consultant from the future? Luckily for us, Hitler was terrible at time travel.
Sorry, a unicorn would have been great but I had already started on this one:
Caption it: "No Keith, that skirt doesn't make your butt look big; now get in the car."
source, and source
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Spontaneous Propagation
Did you see the "Twins" shot of Obama and Medvedev?
And by the way, don't ever try to match facial expressions with Dmitry, he could be a professional mime. It also might upset the balance of the universe:
Bad news: now there's three Marxists in the room.
Good news: the clone is 32% more accepting of capitalism than unadulterated Obama.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
First the Chicoms, Now Mexico

and for the Alamo, and for the Gulf Stream, and for the
atrocious face of Garrison Keillor."