Monday, September 19, 2011

Head Scratcher

Justin Credible (I suspect this is a French name) noticed something:

"...First Lady Michelle Obama announced that Darden restaurants—which include the Olive Garden and Red Lobster--will only be serving French fries to youngsters ordering from the children’s menu if an adult authorizes it."

While in California, and many other states, a child doesn't need parental consent to have an abortion.

So, either twelve year olds are somehow irresponsible when tubers and deep fryers are involved, or babies are less important than side dishes.

It's a head scratcher.

BTW - the quote has been changed:
"I am going to teach them first of all about values and morals. But if they make a mistake, I don't want them punished with a baby."

is now:
"I am going to teach them first of all about values and morals. But if they make a mistake, I don't want them punished with a baby, or, you know, a french fry."

