Tuesday, October 30, 2007

The Government Gab Blog

Seen that guy in the question-mark-suit on late night TV commercials, talking fast about all the government programs that can change your life if you would just buy his book and find the help? Sure, it'd be nice to get a government grant to experiment with solar energy, i.e. put zinc on your nose and sun yourself on a lawn chair at the beach. Or get the government to support your urine-based artwork. But think about it. It's an infomercial, of course it's a load of crap. Besides, you wouldn't be able to look in the mirror, would you?

Anyway, something a lot more useful has been created: Government Gab, big brother's blog. Only not really big brother; this seems to be just a group of GSA employees who, well in their words:

We are federal employees who work in the Office of Citizen Services and Communications at the U.S. General Services Administration. In our daily jobs, we encounter a staggering amount of U.S. government information and services that can benefit your life. From saving money and visiting National Parks to finding out about government auctions and the latest recalls, we want to bring these resources to you in a new way—through our blog.
That's Jake, with the guitar - he blogs on Mondays. I tend to trust electric-guitar-playing blog profile pictures. It's those acoustic guitar players you have to keep an eye on. Them, and the question-mark suit guys.

Anyway, looks like an interesting and possibly useful site. Check it out.

