Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Rush to Judgment

Michelle Malkin noticed Steny Hoyer hedging his bets on the Rush kerfuffle. Truth is, I never credited Steny with this much savvy. Just look at it -- the only people you're going to fool are those incapable of reading three paragraphs into a news story, and who can't work Youtube. I mean really, these people are looking a little foolish, refusing to admit that Limbaugh was referring to actual phony soldiers.

***Update: Just ran across Andrew C. McCarthy's article on the controversy. He makes some good points:

Let’s leave aside the indisputable track record of his program, where Rush daily demonstrates he is as zealous and consistent a proponent of our armed forces as there is. Let’s put aside radio promotions like his “Adopt a Soldier” initiative that encourage public support for our troops while making his features more accessible to the countless troops who want them. Let’s even ignore for the moment his visits overseas to those in combat and stateside to those wounded in combat.

We are talking about someone who raises and contributes out of his own pocket millions of dollars to provide scholarships for the children of Marines and other personnel killed in action.

There has never been an ideological test for that support. The Marines and their families needn’t agree with Rush’s politics to qualify. Instead, it is and it has always been an expression of heartfelt gratitude for service.

What Rush Limbaugh has ceaselessly honored is military service — love of country, not ideological purity.

Agree or disagree with his politics, it is shameful to suggest otherwise.

