Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Liberal Bias?

Thank you Al Gore. You invented the internet so now we have a place to say: Clinton fired all the US attorneys at one point.(save one) Which is a good thing because you won't hear that much on TV. (which Gore also most likely invented)

Course, now we're hearing about how Alberto Gonzales should go because, at the very least, he mishandled the situation. Really, I'm not following this closely because, frankly, I don't think it's such a big deal. But I will note, to conservatives who are ready to toss Gonzales overboard - The media pounding (yes, I know undeserved) won't stop just because Alberto Gonzales is gone. Whoever takes his place will be a monster in the media's eyes. That's because he'll be Bush's AG. The same as Gonzales; the same as Ashcroft. Name someone new as Bush's AG and CNN will start looking for a brown shirt to force on him.

