From Time magazine, during Camelot, when America was ok, and the murderer Ché wasn't their darling:
The year 1961 was supposed to be "The Year of Education" in Fidel Castro's Cuba. Last week the slogan was enlarged. It is now also "The Year of the Firing Squad." The announcement was made by Cuba's Agrarian Reform Chief Antonio Núñez Jiménez in a speech to a crowd of gun-toting militiamen. Added the Reformer: "We will erect the most formidable execution wall in the history of humanity."
Cuba's Communists were bragging. As butchers go, they are still bush league. But Castro is trying hard. To the 587 listed and the many concealed killings over the past two years, the dictatorship last week added the lives of two more Cubans, both onetime armymen accused of rebellion. At week's end six more men—American youths allegedly planning to join the growing rebellion—were tried with the death penalty demanded.

Somehow I don't crave a T-shirt celebrating the men who would stop farmers in their fields, question them, and if their answers weren't good enough, stand them up against a tree. No trial, no goodbye to the kids, just Fidel and Ché, doing their revolution.
Fifty years! Yeah! Now die in your bed you evil cur.
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