Just fiddling around: Scott McClellan as Bigfoot the pooflinger
Let me take a couple of minutes just to say a few quick thank-yous. I've already thanked the President, and I want to say that I'm also forever grateful to the President and Mrs. Bush for making this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity really special. My wife and I value our friendship with the President and Mrs. Bush.
I also want to thank the entire White House staff, because you cannot do this job without the support and help of all those that are part of this team. My job is to help provide you information so that you can do your job, and to help the President advance his agenda. And I depend on people throughout this White House for timely responses...
whole other subject:
I'm off to go build a wall for the government. Why now, when traffic is horrible and lumberyards are crowded? Because now is when there is money to build it and the decision makers never know when the Democrats will decide to fiddle with the Defense budget and cause "my" funds to get borrowed from. Thank you Nancy, I'll be thinking of you as I stand in line at Home Depot.