Friday, June 06, 2008

It's a Miracle

No, not another Obama miracle, this is miracle fruit, or miracle berry, so called because of it's ability to temporarily change the way other foods taste. I've ordered some, yum. Course it's been ten days so it might just be another 'put money into the internets and watch it not come back' kind of deal. While I wait, I'm making bets with myself as to which will happen first: 1) the berries get here or 2) the Michelle Obama "whitey" tape surfaces.

So next week, perhaps, I'll be either experimenting with taste perception, or listening to Obama (the obvious tool of the Chicago slum-lord industry) say, "This is not the Michelle Obama I thought I knew." or, possibly, "I really hardly knew her, only to have lunch or dinner with one or two times a year, really, she was just an acquaintance."

Inside, I'm rooting for the fruit.

