Sunday, June 15, 2008

Tim Russert

He asked the tough questions, even of the queen:

She [Hillary] afterwards tried to cover these embarrassing gaffs by unleashing what Shuster called “the Clinton fog machine,” whose apparatchiks used tactics of distraction that included “trashing the [debate] moderators” by accusing NBC’s Tim Russert and Brian Williams of unfairness to their candidate.

Remember him trying to nail down where she stood on the issue of issuing driver's licenses to illegal aliens? (and I think she came down in favor of issuing them but not giving them to the immigrants, or, issuing them then arresting everyone involved) Then she spun and spun for days. Great to watch.

I expect Russert would have helped to expose the wires holding up Obama's halo, had he not been taken from us early. He certainly wasn't afraid to ask the tough questions. Rest in peace journalist man.

