Thursday, February 01, 2007

Global - Guess What?

That's right, Warming.

Poor little fella. "Vets believe his freak appearance was caused by the stress of missing out on his winter hibernation." See, when it happened to his great grandfather, it was called a warm winter. We used to have a warm winter now and then, and sometimes, an extra cold winter. But then the climate became Just Right. And any change from Just Right is bad.

Look for signs of Global Warming everywhere now. Doorknob broken? It's because of Global Warming. Dog licking the furniture? That's right, Global Warming. Only bright spot is that we now have computer models that can tell us what to expect... except when they need to be adjusted. Like hurricanes, they'll get worse, unless we don't have any, but in the years when we do, well, that will be proof then, won't it?

